Top lojtarët

General terms

- The tournament starts on August 17, 2015, 03:00 pm server time [GMT +2]
- Entry fee - 20 diamonds
- Duration: 3,5 weeks
- Only accounts at more than 500 net worth points and registered at least one week before the start of the tournament are eligible to participate; Imperia Online employees are banned from participation
- All purchased diamonds left after the end of the tournament can be transferred to another Version 6 account of yours.

Game Rules

- Realm speed is Mega-Blitz x 10, with the exception of Missions which have their minimal duration and travel speeds x4
- All players will be populated evenly on the global map
- During the first 4 days of the tournament attacks between players will be prohibited
- After this 4-day period the players will be grouped (not nation-wise) in automatically-generated alliances of 30 members. That will happen for one hour between 2 pm and 3 pm server time on August 21. During this one hour player’s access to their accounts will be temporarily restricted.
- Players’ grouping in alliances is made so all alliances have at the most equal net values with each other.
- Players who have less than 1000 points at the time of grouping in alliances, won’t participate in any alliance and will not have the right to take part in the tournament later on. Of the players with over 1,000 points will be chosen a number of players, which is a multiple of 30, in order for complete alliances to be formed. Players with least net points out of the number of players, which is a multiple of 30, will also drop out of further participation in the tournament.
Example: After the 4-day period, 3017 players with over 1000 points remain. First 3000 players get grouped in 100 alliances, the remaining 17 with least net points drop out.
- The Global Map is shared to all teams, with 36 alliance castles situated on it.
- No Tutorial.
- No Vacation Mode.
- No Holiday Protection.
- No Dark Fortress.
- No exchanging of gifts via Facebook.
- Non-aggression Pact and Federation alliance relations are disabled.
- Players cannot leave their Alliance.
- Leaders and First Officers will not be allowed to kick/invite alliance members.
- The player with the highest net points in the automatically-generated alliance will be assigned to be its Leader.

Influence & Alliance Castles

- Castles develop their area of influence through the construction of Great Temple and expanding its range of influence; however, their influence is not accounted for as a percentage of map area retained, but as the accumulation of Influence Points instead.
- 1 account / Exclusive Zone / Capital within the influence area of an Alliance Castle = 1 Influence Point.
- Influence Points are accumulated over time, and are being awarded each hour
- If an Alliance loses control over one of its Alliance Castles, it still gets to keep the Influence Points accumulated so far.
Example: If at the time of accounting, Alliance X has 4 Castles and within the influence area of one of them fall 30 players, while in the areas of the rest – 10 players, then Alliance X will be awarded 60 Influence Points. If an hour later, during the next accounting, the Alliance loses its Castles that have influence over 10 players, then it will only gain 30 Influence Points, however, the points gained so far will not be erased.
- If an account falls within the area of influence of two Castles, it will grant Influence Points to the Castle with the higher level of Great Temple. If both Castles have the same level of Great Temple – the account grants Influence Points to the closest Castle.
- The struggle for influence takes place all over the global map and range of influence of castles, division of influence and accounting of Influence points are recorded for each of the 36 Alliance castles.


- The tournament ends on September 10, 2015 at 3 pm (GMT +2) server time. The alliance with the most Influence points will become the Champion. The alliances on 2nd and 3rd place in terms of Influence points will get silver and bronze medals respectively.
- If there are two Alliances in 1st place who have equal points, the champion will be the alliance who accumulated the score earlier.
- If there are two Alliances in 2nd place who have equal points, alliance who accumulated the score earlier will get the silver medals.
- The tournament may end earlier than announced in case some of the teams manages to gain certain amount of Influence points. The required amount of points will be announced after the alliances get grouped.
- If less than 3 teams have accumulated Influence Points, the alliances on 2nd and 3rd place will be defined according to the amount of net-worth points.
- If less than 10 teams have accumulated Influence Points, the rest of the alliances in top 10 will be defined according to the amount of the alliance net-worth points.


- The Champion alliance will get 30 000 diamonds divided between its members.
- Rewards for the rest of the alliances in top 10: 2nd place – 15 000 diamonds, 3rd place – 9 000 diamonds, 4th place – 8 100, 5th place - 6 900 diamonds, 6th place - 5 700 diamonds, 7th place - 4 500 diamonds, 8th place - 3 900 diamonds, 9th place - 3 600 diamonds, 10th place - 3 300 diamonds.
*All diamonds will be given in the form of e-pin vouchers.


- The players of the Champion alliance will permanently be identified by an ’Castle Conquest Champion’ medal in the rankings and in their profiles.
- Players of the alliances in second and third place will permanently be identified by silver and bronze medal in the rankings and in their profiles.
- Players of the alliance who won the biggest number of alliance wars will have ’A winner of the special award in Castle Conquest’ medals in the rankings and in their profiles.