Players of the team winner in Castle Conquest will share 30 000 diamonds - a reward for their worthy efforts.
Igralci 10 najboljših ekip v Vojni za Prevlado si bodo delili 60 000 diamantov - nagrada za njihov vreden trud.
Players of the winning team will have the honor to carry the highest rank - a golden medal from the Castle Conquest. This medal will be visible in the players rankings and profiles.
Medalja za igralce ekipe na drugem mestu v Vojni za Prevlado. Medalja bo vidna na razvrstitvi ter na uporabniškem računu.
A medal for players of the team in third place in the Castle Conquest. It will be visible in players rankings and profiles.
Igralci alianse, ki je prejela posebno nagrado, bodo odlikovani z medaljo v svojih profilih v vseh svetovih.